NEOROAD CO., LTD is one of top manufacturer for Vehicle’s Dashboard Digital Video Camera Recorder. We are located in IT hub, DAEJEON city. Above all, our head-office based in Electronic Telecommunication Research Institute which is a head core for electronic technology called ETRI as abbreviation.
We are having very close technical cooperation to develop high quality and reliable technology. Since established 2008 based on the accumulated expertise and experience in the automotive industry, NEOROAD has steady R&D improvement and launched high quality & brilliant design’s reliable products with OTOSAVER brands in Global market included domestic market of South Korea.
We are always trying with our best for customer’s satisfaction to provide best quality’s reliable products as a best vehicle’s drive video recorder in the world. NEOROAD is creating new history & innovation in the automotive industry. Challenge & Innovation, Creation & Achievement are NEOROAD’s another face and name.